Phase 4
Week 11
The Tutorial
Book of Lenses by Jesse Schell- The Lens of Accessibility
Looking at the importance of tutorials, I understand that there are multiple learning types and therefore player types. Initially, we have wanted the game to use little to no GUI, my opinion is the look of it on screen can disrupt the artwork and immersion, especially if there is barely any controls or information that the players require to know for the game features. Based on Alex's canoe carrying prototype and our discussions, we came up with the tutorial Island as a smaller space for players to learn the overarching mechanic of the game, portage.
However, I'm now concerned that some players will struggle to understand or engage with the game if there are no clear instructions, and that not fully understanding how to use and play with the game, immersion could just as easily be broken.
Goals of the tutorial:
"Subtle" (As in little to no GUI)
Teach mechanics for paddling and beaching
Then teach moving on land
Then teach that the canoe needs to be reused
Then teach how to pick up the canoe
Highlight carrying the canoe makes for slow movement
Teach how to launch the canoe
(Maybe hint towards the interactions)
I write "(maybe hint towards the interactions)" because the experience indicates that we want the player to explore and be mindful. Being mindful of the environment should mean consideration of the possibilities in the game world. I am however worried that without any knowledge at all that the environment will be somewhat alive with possible encounters, they may never once pay attention to any affordance given to them. It will be a balancing act and something that needs to be prototyped soon.
Other than that, the parameters of the tutorial are there. I feel that considering the tutorial beforehand rather than at the very end, means I should have no reason for players to feel confused and disappointed with the early game experience.
Step 1) The player begins in the canoe on a river, with the river's current pushing them consistently from left to right. There should be enough space to allow meandering along the current and to practice with the paddling control.
Step 2) The canoe will eventually land onto a particular river-bank. The player can exit the canoe and as they move further up the bank, they pull the canoe out of the water. Doing this, the dog will jump out onto land and run off towards the right, only off-screen a little bit.
Step 3) Now with the freedom to walk around on foot, the player can explore and get used to this control. The intention that players might follow the direction of the dog.
Step 4) The player explores the small Island and realise there is nowhere else to go. This is where the player needs to realise that the canoe is reusable.
Step 5) With a simple button press, the player can pick up the canoe and begin to portage. (This step can occur before Step 4)
Step 6) Hard Gate - Something happens to draw the player back towards the left. Now knowing the walking speed between freely walking or carrying the canoe, it is up to them to place it back down. The Dog will bark after staying with the paddle which has been left behind (This is the first and only time this will occur).
Step 7) Continuing rightward, the player arrives at the bank and can launch the canoe.

Who, What, Where, When, Why
Who do we want the player to be? Or feel like they are? We know we want the player to relate to the character as much as possible. This we feel will be most achievable through the means of a faceless character without any indication of the sex or race. The character will also have a companion dog with them, using the energy and living in the moment attitude of a playful, excitable creature while the player character appears more stable, at peace.
What the player will be doing is portaging over land between rivers. Portage is the method of carrying canoes and supplies across or along, beside a river where the river current is too dangerous to travel or requiring a different river system. Throughout their journey, they will get to encounter possible interactions with the environment and wildlife.
Where these river systems and wildlife are will be inspired by the Canadian Boreal Forest. Dense evergreen and deciduous trees, deep in colours and vibrancy is home to a vast array of wild animals. It is a forest so large it dwarfs all but 6 countries in the world. Endless natural pathways that are rivers are used to best travel around the forest.
When this experience will occur is set within the present day. So the possibility of more modern gadgets such as a harmonica can be used. The technology of the lightweight canoe and warmer, weatherproof clothing will also afford the period of time. Allowing the possibility of showing some sort of modern civilisation to frame the concept of being mindful in the present day.
Why should players want to go on this journey and interact with a peaceful and intriguing environment? We all need time and space to detox our mind of stress. Why not do it in an environment where you can go at your own pace.
Using Alex's original research on the Boreal, I want to provide more information for the game within the context of an abstract. I've used a journalistic method learned in creative writing to ask the five Ws. This helps to define and explain the game to others outside of the project. It also seems to me like this game is a passion project, to create an escapist game that will challenge my design abilities to maintain the player's engagement. Rather than to make a statement or political point.
The Canoe
Seeing as a vast amount of the game is based on the aspect of canoeing and portage, I feel it's important to explore into the lifestyle of canoeing, understand the technical aspects of the canoe and what is important to consider when planning a canoe trip. Searching the web for both British and Canadian resources, I've managed to go from video tutorials on paddling to finding a blog for the Wilderness Canoe Association through Trip Adviser. Each of these resources provides a good start for a varied knowledge on what it means to own and use a canoe, the correct safety and planning.
Using these I have made notes in my sketchbook [See Sketchbook 1, Pages 21 - 23]

Paying attention to the canoe descriptions, I've found a canoe that matches what I expect would be best suited to the journey our character is on. Something that is lightweight, perfect for portaging and designed for windy, rough open water for a long expedition. This should help the designing of our canoe in the game. This also provides the art with realistic scale so the sizing of a solo canoe will look realistic. The most common colours I have come across are green, red and tan/sand. Suggesting these colours to the team, we decided that any colour that matches the environment would be a bad choice as it will blend in with the natural colours. Choosing a bright red might be the best option, however, we have been against using the colour red as research suggests it not to be a relaxing colour. To compromise, we might use a deeper colour red or paler. This will give us an authentic popular colour that stands out from the environment while keeping it in theme with the mood.
Making A Junk Wood Paddle
Where I got the inspiration from to make The Junk Wood Paddle
The blog post of my process of making it
The Gear
Choosing the gear wisely instead of just piecing together what I think looks right will be important to maintain the authenticity to the lifestyle and aesthetic. Research into the most popular and common outdoor equipment brands helps to focus on the types of gear that I should choose to give the art style inspiration.