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Week 9 Reflection

Billy Spendlove

Bouncing off of the energy from last week, came the grind to figure out exactly what our game should be and the type of experience we want to give.

“To engage in a personally unique and meaningful journey in an environment that inspires mindfulness through subtle, discoverable encounters”

This essential experience was decided on because of the setting of the forest and the essence of what it means to go on a journey. Adam researching into mindfulness and my own experiences in it enforces the choice to get players to engage with the environment rather than the game tell the player what to do. Allowing for the players to find the meaning of the journey themselves and to not impose it onto them, I feel is deeply important to what the experience is meant to be. And to remove the entire game from being a space to just travel in, we will use interactions and encounters that players have to locate and discover for themselves, again, enhancing the personal structure of the game.

We are having trouble coming to agree upon an art style which I feel is causing some issues to progress. Otherwise the designing of the interactions and the core fundamentals of the game space can begin from next week.


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