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Week 12 Reflection

Billy Spendlove

Updated: Jan 15, 2020

After a holiday break it's great to get back into the mindset for planning our project. In preparation for the hand in, we've been working on creating the research proposal document and presenting the game idea to peers. This helps me understand what exactly we are trying to make and how to communicate that to an audience.

Researching a little bit into the USP and user profiles has helped me to understand another side to our game. That there are elements to the game which stand out as selling points. Which in turn link back to the essential experience of the game. Understanding the experience even further will later, in development, improve my decisions when designing.

I was also made aware by Jamie that the Persona Profile i'd created was very specific towards the 'perfect player'. This is true, when creating it I was envisioning the type of person this game would be perfect for. But it would also be useful to create a number of different personas that represent a wider array of players that would enjoy and hopefully be entertained by the game.

I've also realised that the act of even prototyping something for the sound of the game is really valuable. Because it works towards expressing an understanding of experience of the game, it has shown me how important the ambient sounds and sound effects will be. I should further research on sounds and ASMR, to improve how I might approach the sound design.


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