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Week 6 Reflection

Billy Spendlove

The start of generating ideas for games has been a wild, untitled, goose chase to explore into the group's theme of the Boreal Forest. Starting with our mind maps, we managed to list down a lot and a variety of ideas for games which are based on and around the theme. We have each taken a game idea to develop a little ourselves and create some type of prototype, more to allow our own interests in an idea be explored for the team. These would then be discussed with the team to iron out any disagreements we might have and to look at the prototypes to find out how the game idea might work. I especially liked this method of team discussion on an idea. Whether or not anyone likes an idea, we would try to get the idea to fit the type of theme we have been looking for in a game we want to make.

We had also decided on a bunch of core experiences which would generally guide our ideas into a particular style of gameplay.

Relaxing, Minimalist, Journey, Embrace Nature, Focus on Animals, Underlying Message, (Fishing Mini-game)

These terms, although many of them, will help guide the direction we wish our project to go. Providing us with limitations, these core experiences do not necessarily have to all be ticked but I should expect at least 3 or more should be. Fishing Mini-game is placed in brackets because this is a specific gameplay feature which the team all agree is something we'd enjoy having. However, because it is a specific gameplay element, it may cause a game to be designed around that rather than a game emerging from unique ideas.

My personal interests in this list to achieve in a game would be Relaxing, Minimalist, Journey, Underlying Message. This is because of the chosen theme Boreal Forest. I believe these experiences are afforded due to the setting of a forest. Also because of these experiences, which were chosen after, I realised that although the board game idea I had was a good idea, it wouldn't fit with the team's overall target for a game.

Next week I plan to create an animation to prototype the 'camping site tycoon' idea. This should show that player can designate locations for specific activities or camping spots. I also plan to work on a game idea which I have in mind based on playing as a beaver. With some minor research, I already understand how important a role the beaver has played in the Boreal forest, so much so, the Canadian nation pays high regards to the large rodent. This idea should focus on the experiences; Journey, Underlying Message, Embrace Nature and Focus on Animals.


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