This past week has been a varied look into observing the night sky. Bouncing off the midweek reflection, into Friday's presentation, I come to realise that although I'm heavily interested in the stars, universe and the unanswered questions I don't feel inspired with game ideas using curiosity.
Instead, hearing Alex's presentation on the Boreal Forest and the insights into his research I decided I'd like to work on a project with him based on his theme. This comes from further back in Phase 1 where I had some interests in exploring, streams and rivers and environmental conservation. I have always enjoyed the outdoors and heavily believe in the human's connection to the natural world is being lost. So, hoping to bring forward some of those elements as well. This slightly connects to how the humans have lost connection to the night sky, which I could always bring to Alex's theme to give the project a little more depth.
Adam and Jamie have also joined with Alex so we have a team of 4, each with different and overlapping skill sets which we believe will bolster our workload. For next week, we hope to get started on brainstorming loads of game ideas based on the theme and see what mechanics stand out as interesting and unique to prototype.