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Week 3 Reflection

Billy Spendlove

Updated: Jan 15, 2020

There is a connection between human beings, the stars and the planets, which shows up within a number of my themes as a look into who we are and how we grow as people, growth being a larger topic of interest.

After a week of condensing and funneling my brainstorming and theme ideas, I come down to the 4 themes of Failure, The Night Sky, Rivers and Streams, Self Sufficiency/Reliance. With brief research into each theme and creating a presentation, presenting said presentation and observing some of the feedback from peers, it seemed as though the theme of Night Sky is the strongest.

However... It is still very broad in a sense that there are many sub-topics which I could look into, through navigation to astrology, both of which I'm hardly bothered about. What did catch my attention during researching was how light pollution might affect how the natural world works, more in terms of animals but this definitely sounds inspiring as for an area to focus on. Also the human connection to constellations and what they mean to us or used to mean to us would be a meaningful research topic which I actually want to bite down on and get researching. I feel the two (light pollution and the connection to the night sky) are closely connected in terms of modern day. How we human beings have lost what should be the night sky, being able to observe constellations and planets clearly with our naked eye has been lost. Has this also affected how animals behave? How does this affect us mentally in terms of understanding our place within the universe and the connection to ourselves as not being that important, that really... as individuals, we might not even matter. I personally have already come to terms with the fact that as an individual, in the grand scheme of things don't matter. Yet, I feel there could be a connection between the loss of the night sky and the human being's attitude towards ourselves. So I have a theme of sorts, although the actual title of it I need to refine to make sense of the actual theme.

The Night Sky and the natural world? Light Pollution and the loss of constellations?

I think I need to understand exactly what constellations include, because I feel I need to include the observation of planets as well. As this was probably the earliest fields of scientific study. The word observation is critical now that I've mentioned it.. the act of observing the night sky is what I'm trying to discuss most, that and how light pollution is becoming an issue. Condense it!!!!

Observing the Night Sky through light pollution.

Its a bit wordy I suppose but it's how it all connects. Now I need to properly read through peer feedback on the night sky topic to pull out research leads, and come up with some solid research questions for myself to answer in the next 2 weeks of Phase 2.

On second thoughts, the light pollution aspect can't just be researched, it doesn't necessarily have to be included in the theme title.


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