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Week 2 Reflection

Billy Spendlove

Updated: Jan 15, 2020

This week has been a right discovery of ideas and routes to take and explore for finding 4 themes to take into next week to dive into a little more with research. I've enjoyed brainstorming and following multiple pathways, seeing where one topic goes and what other ideas follow, with a bigger picture look, also finding out that many of my thoughts share some common themes. Greater themes around inner growth and awareness, exploring that individual journey in life. Also interests around nature and our, as humans, connection to it. How we've come from ancient times to the modern day, interested in the philosophical and economical ways society and civilisation has changed and how these have affected the human mind. Overall it feels as though my interests and direction I want to take into designing a gameplay experience is focused around us as humans, who we were and what we have become, for better or worse.

I personally think this is a great source of inspiration to guide my themes and research. Nevertheless, I needed to find 4 separate themes and from the large amount of brainstorming and a variety of subjects brought up through those, I homed it into; Failure, Pagan Gods, Streams and Self Sufficiency.

I'm already thinking about how the theme of Pagan Gods is rather generic and in all honesty, much of the drive for that theme is how Pagan Gods tended to be attributed with stars in the night sky. By contract to the modern day night sky, with light pollution, we don't get to see on a nightly bases the vast beauty and scale the night sky should impose on us as creatures with consciousness. Obviously I need to research much of this to back up my theories, but I really feel the importance of the night sky has been lost on people in today's world and has changed the ways we approach our lives. So I may end up exploring into the night's sky, or the stars of ancient times as they do hold mythical stories from people as well as providing scientific information to help in their day to day life.

The other 3 themes I feel have a solid basis to begin researching on and could provide some insight into areas unique or unusual from a game design approach.


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