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Self-Sufficiency / Reliance

The whole idea behind self-sufficiency as a theme is to explore the possibilities of a simpler life actually being better for the well being of mental health, specifically in the western nations where technology has become part of our lives through and through. So a study into the psychology behind having less to do throughout the day but more important tasks rather than a rat race like attitude towards completing goals in a day. It also appeals to the natural aspects, becoming in touch with the planet a little more again, understanding how things grow, how to look after and maintain land by yourself. I feel it could be affordable to look into how and why these aspects of living could make improvements in everybody's life. 

(After doing some research, I came across the term Self-Reliance and although some people who blog about the lifestyles compare them as different, the core foundations seem similar. To rely on, support for yourself and take responsibilities within your life.)


Self-Sufficiency: the quality of being able to take care of yourself, to be happy, or to deal with problems, without help from other people.


Self-Reliance: reliance on oneself or one's own powers, resources, etc.


Allotments - These personal fruit and veg growing spaces provide people with the chance to supply themselves with food all year round. Requiring space yes, allotments also exist in community spaces, which can be rented from councils. There is something about the organisation of the allotment, the efficiency of measured space and timing for sowing and harvesting interests me.


Skills - Growing, Cooking/Preserving, Animal Husbandry, Butchery, Dispatcher Animals, Water Sourcing, Basic Health Care/First Aid, Fishing, DIY, Sewing/Knitting/Crochet, Foraging, Hunting. 

Something that really interests me about self-sufficiency is the required skills and gradual learning of new skills, perfecting them. This also adds to the journey of self-growth. 


Utility - Removing oneself from the 'grid' (relying on governmental energy supplies, water and sewage, waste) could greatly enable an individual to become self-sufficient. This, in turn, removes bills, possible debts, unnecessary and wasteful habits. Although this firstly sounds rather frugal and boring to start to remove oneself from the technology of modern-day, it could, in fact, impact mental health positively. It also doesn't mean fully returning to the dark age, technology like solar panels can count towards becoming self-sufficient, providing electricity in a more environmentally friendly way.


Everything can be used - This will require a lot of research to find a wide variety of examples, however, the concept that everything we use and create as waste, can and should be reused to make the most of all materials that pass through us and our hands. Even things like human waste, which if treated through the society's system, costs and requires a lot of energy, rather than reusing it for fertiliser. 



Self-Reliance, by Ralph Waldo Emerson - In "Self-Reliance," philosopher Ralph Waldo Emerson argues that polite society has an adverse effect on one's personal growth. Self-sufficiency, he writes, gives one the freedom to discover one's true self and attain true independence.

(This book appears to discuss exactly the message that I would want to put across through a game based on this theme if it were to be continued. Self-growth and finding out who you really are on the inside, removed from the social media of today, I believe would greatly increase people's mental health. Increase in mental health problems Another article on increasing numbers)

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