Film and movies have long been a passion of mine. So much so I've been gradually investing in a DVD collection, something about the nostalgia from my growing up has refrained me from moving over to Blu-ray. The cinema and process of picking a film off the shelve, opening the case and inserting it into the player remain as a beautiful experience in my heart.

While brainstorming areas of Film that I could further explore, it occurred to me that the genres of Film are very large and I would be approaching that theme with a bias to the genres that I enjoy. Also, genres are themes in themselves so they wouldn't provide enough to work with. Genres = 'Bad Start'.
The making of Film did spark an interest that caused me to want to deepen my immediate knowledge and I found out that the development requires a lot more roles (obviously depending on the scale) than I had first understood.

Along with the extensive crew roles that could lead to other interesting research avenues, I know that there is a passion that burns within for story-telling and film script. Only something I had recently noticed, but the dialogue in Film and how it is used is incredibly important to me and the way the story is told. It can either grip and make the characters deep and meaningful or have the complete opposite effect and make a sense unrealistic. Writers like Quinten Tarantino are an inspiration to me because of their passion for Film. So maybe where I'm focusing on finding passionate themes, Tarantino's film making style could become a theme. Possibly a 'Good Start'.