Animals/Natural History
Living creatures other than humans fascinate me. They can be dangerous, cute, somewhat sentient, pets, experiments, even ancestors according to The Theory of Evolution. My passion for animals is one dominated by emotions, yet some natural and scientific aspects infiltrate that passion.

Animal welfare is more likely at the forefront of my passion as I feel that the human race has become out of control and is imposing itself on the planet in a destructive way. This could be a 'Good Start'. The word conservation and what it entails is a theme I feel I could really get behind, it has a message I'm passionate about that I feel could translate really well into a game experience. It also includes educating and would be something that is considered current in today's society. Education as a whole isn't an idea I would have liked to approach but from the direction of conservation, it might just light a fire within me. The topic of climate change may even be connected to many of these conservation themes and highlight a greater message.

It is clear that the topic of conservation and climate change have been talked about for a long time and in recent (late 2019) with the young Greta Thunberg taking over headlines of world news outlets with her stance for global reform. This can provide a great platform for further research and a message installed into a game experience.