I love competition, the drive it fires up in the heart to success. Adrenaline depending on the type, the teamwork that can emerge with a competitive goal. The act of competition exists in the rawest forms of survival as well, a competition with the elements and the other life forms around us. In games and business, we can use it to drive us forward to better ourselves and learn in the process.

When thinking of competition, I think about how it actually affects us as people. The emotions that occur before, during and after can be a roller coaster. Providing numerous emotional states over a short or long period of time. Sometimes having major negative effects in the failure. Or erratic, short-lived highs in a winning scenario.
Seeing as this is idea generation for theme starting points leading into a lot of research, I will instantly write off Games as being a 'Good Start', however there may be some research down the line observing historical methods of game creation, but to use as a theme, it doesn't make a lot of sense to use games as a theme for a game.
I like the thought of competition being used in a philosophical method, where the Art of Failure is something that seems to be looked at as a negative thing in modern-day. Schools approaching competition with developing children in a way in which no child is made to feel like they have lost or are a loser, failure. Although with good intentions, I believe there could be negative consequences in this approach to education and researching into this further interests me greatly.